Friday, March 19, 2010

Out of town adventure...

I am currently in California with my mom visiting my sister. On Wednesday morning around 4am I started to get a familiar feeling that I might have another urine infection. Later in the morning I called my doctor's office and told them about the situation. Due to my experiences with urine infections during this pregnancy, they suggested that I see someone today. So, I called my insurance company to find out where I could go that would be covered.

Once we got the address and hit the road, it took us forever to find the Urgent Care! The address wasn't correct and no one really seemed to know where it was. We did eventually find it, but once I was at the desk they told me that they did not take walk-ins! BUT.... the nice receptionist called the doctor and , not only did he agree to see me that day but, he agreed to see me right then!!!

In the exam room the doctor confirmed that I did have a urine infection and, ironically he used to be an OBGYN, he prescribed me an antibiotic safe enough to take while pregnant. He sent the prescription down to the pharmacy in the lobby, but it turns out that they don't accept my insurance. So, we went to a CVS Pharmacy thinking that it was generic enough to take most insurances, but we were way wrong. Luckily, the antibiotics were only $25, so I just got them anyway!

So... everything should be good! I am just grateful that I felt something this time because in the beginning of the pregnancy I had no clue until I started spotting!

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